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Achievements Corner

School, Career And Extra-Curricular Activities


Judge For Robotics Innovation Challenge 2024 (Innovation Design Challenge)

Selected as the Judge for the Innovation Design Challenge for a high school robotics competition organized by NUS for students all over ASEAN - especially from Malaysia, Indonesia and China - featuring a total of 200 students. 

Campus Ambassador Representing NUS College Of Design & Engineering - GIIS Singapore Universities Education Fair 2024

Honoured to have been selected out of my Electrical Engineering Cohort of 200 students to represent the National University Of Singapore College Of Design & Engineering! Helped promote the NUS Engineering brand to various university fairs in international schools across Singapore (including my alma mater i.e. GIIS!), and helped in admission queries for 100+ international students across ASEAN and India.

Felt great to have represented one of the World's Top 30 Universities as a Student Ambassador in my dream school since my high school days!


NUS Student Ambassador For NUS College Of Design & Engineering For The Year 2023: Testimonial From The Dean Of NUS Engineering

Honoured to have been selected out of my Electrical Engineering Cohort of 200 students to represent the National University Of Singapore College Of Design & Engineering! Helped promote the NUS Engineering brand to various university fairs in international schools across Singapore (including my alma mater i.e. GIIS!), and helped in admission queries for 100+ international students across ASEAN and India.

Felt great to have represented one of the World's Top 30 Universities as a Student Ambassador in my dream school since my high school days!

University/College Representative For NUS College Of Design & Engineering: Singapore Universities Education Fair 2023

Represented the National University Of Singapore College Of Design & Engineering for the Singapore Universities Education Fair for 2023 held at Global Indian International School, SMART Campus in Punggol, Singapore which attracted 500+ students all over India - both expats and locals

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NUS ECE Peer Tutoring Programme 2022/23, Peer Tutor Token Of Appreciation

Received a token of appreciation from the Head Of Department in the prestigious National University of Singapore's Department of Electrical And Computer Engineering for participation in the ECE Peer Tutoring Programme In AY2022/23

Certificate Of Service, NUS ECE Undergraduate Student Council 2023

Received a Certificate Of Service from the Acting ECE Head in NUS for my contributions towards the EE student community in 2023

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Certificate Of Recognition For Good Internship Performance In Amaris.AI - A Tech Startup Based Out Of Singapore

Graduation certificate from my product and project management based internship in a fast paced tech startup specialized in AI

Toastmasters Public Speaking Level 1 Completion: Innovative Planning Project Pathway

Completed my Level 1 of Public Speaking based projects under the Innovative Planning for Toastmasters International

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World Speech Day 2021 - Certificate Of Outstanding Participation

Gave a speech under the youth category on Humanity At Crossroads: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion for the Rotaract Community in Singapore 2021 (Rotary E-Club Of 3310) on 15 March 2921.

Finalist - Innovation And Design Challenge Consolation Prize Award ($100)

Emerged as finalist (top 5 out of 15 teams) from different universities in Singapore including NUS, NTU and SIT to ideate and come up with a suitable solution to coconut harvesting in developing countries in Asia which is a dangerous process with high risk of fatalities. Worked with a team of 2 mechanical undergraduates from SIT and pitched to Bionesia Organic Foods Asia And NUS Enterprise and won $100 as consolation prize for idea and concept.


Student Leader Award, Certificate Of Distinction, EXCO (Treasurer), NUS ECE 7th Undergraduate Student Council

Awarded Distinction for good performance in Student Leadership for the Electrical & Computer Engineering student body in the National University Of Singapore.

Student Leader Award: Certificate Of Merit - NUS ECE Undergraduate Student Council

Recognized by the ECE faculty for outstanding performance in serving the needs of the undergraduate population of 250 to improve academic life within the engineering faculty in NUS


Certificate Of Distinction, Hackwagon Academy

Awarded distinction for the Introductory Data Science and Python Programming course offered by Hackwagon Academy, a technical school in Singapore amongst a a cohort of 100 overall

Indian Mars Rover Design Challenge: Ranked 12th Internationally

Worked within the Electrical Engineering team within the NUS Mars Rover Team and was ranked 12th internationally for engineering design and functionality against a total of 30 university teams representing 10 different countries worldwide, especially from Asia Pacific, Europe and USA. We competed against students from the best of universities such as IIT Bombay and the University Of Michigan.


IB Global School Awards Asia For Overall Academic Proficiency - GIIS Singapore

Graduated within the top 5% of IB students worldwide in 2017 and received Subject Proficiency Awards for these subjects:
1. Physics Higher Level
2. Chemistry Higher Level
3. Business Management Standard Level

DR APJ Abdul Kalam Award For Overall Academic Proficiency - IB 3rd Position Prize (Top 20% In Cohort)

Received the prestigious Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Award for standing within the top 15% of my cohort consistently out of 130 students in the entire IB cohort in GIIS Singapore

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DR APJ Abdul Kalam Award For Overall Academic Proficiency - IGCSE 2nd Position Prize (Top 20% In Cohort)

Received the prestigious Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Award for standing within the top 15% of my cohort consistently out of 130 students in the entire IGCSE cohort in GIIS Singapore

IB Chemistry Higher Level Cohort Topper Award

Received subject proficiency awards for Chemistry for 3 consecutive years

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IB Physics Higher Level Proficiency Award - GIIS Singapore

Received subject proficiency awards for Physics for 2 consecutive years - IGCSE (Year 2015) & IB (Year 2017)

IB Business Management SL Subject Proficiency Award

Awarded Subject Proficiency Award in Business Management Standard Level.

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IGCSE Global School Awards Asia For Overall Academic Proficiency Across 8 Subjects - GIIS Singapore

Within top 10% of my cohort of 120 and received multiple Subject Proficiency Awards in these following subjects with 7 distinctions and an overall percentage of 92%:
1. English Language
2. English Literature
3. French
4. Extended Mathematics
5. Physics
6. Chemistry
7. Biology

Cambridge International Examinations Distinction Award

Recognized within one of the school toppers of AY'2015 in GIIS Singapore. 


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Foreign Language French Proficiency Award

Received subject proficiency awards in French for 5 consecutive years in school

Achievements: Skills
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