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My Research Areas - Projects Involving Industry & Academia

All my research work done through industry projects from internships and university work

Although I am unable to publish any of my research work and projects due to company confidentiality purposes during the course of my research internships, I am happy to share more about it in person about what I did overall!

Machine Learning & Computer Vision

Pandas, TensorFlow, Keras, XGBoost, Decision Trees, Linear & Logistic Regression, Bagging, Boosting, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Support Vector Machines (SVM), YOLO Algorithms, OSNet, Darknet, DeepSORT, StrongSORT Algorithms, Object Detection & Tracking and Image Segmentation

Internet Of Things (IoT) & Sensors Development

Raspberry Pi, Flask API, Arduino, C++, Zigbee, ESP32 Programming, Bluetooth Low Energy, C Programming, Microcontroller Hardware Interfacing, Touch, Wearable & Piezoelectric Sensors Development

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Neural Networks, Convolutional & Recurrent Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Object Tracking & Segmentation, AI Product Management

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Electronics & Electrical System Design, Electronic Design Automation (EDA), LTSpice For Integrated Circuit Simulation, Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Design, EAGLE CAD, Electrical Power Calculations, Battery Design

Research Areas: Skills
Research Areas: Selected Work
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