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My Projects Portfolio

All my projects done so far - ranging from university related as an undergraduate to work based, as well as self-taught ones through online courses for fun!

Projects: Welcome
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My Technical Articles - Medium

So far, wrote articles on Design Thinking for business innovation and strategy as well as Tech, especially IoT

Projects: Welcome

Project Areas

Areas of expertise developed over time and still learning!

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Electronics Design, Electrical Power And Component Design, Circuit Design & Control, Motor Control, MATLAB, EAGLE CAD, Circuit Simulations, Computer Aided Design


Verilog (VHDL), Arduino, Raspberry Pi Programming


IoT, Client-Server Protocol, TCP/IP Networks, C, Python, SQL, Machine Learning, Data Analysis & Visualization (Pandas & Matplotlib), NLP, Models Testing & Evaluation

Innovation And Design 

Design Thinking & Ideation

Projects: List

Key Testimonials And Highlights From My Projects Done

Projects pursued (both individual and team based) from internships and university projects

Projects: Testimonials

Anurag and I were teammates for the NUS SEDS Mars Rover Team - one of the main engineering teams where we represent the National University Of Singapore, and compete with other universities worldwide in creating and designing a full-scale martian robotic rover, which would be sent to the US for competition.

When I worked with Anurag in the Electrical Team, he displayed good technical skills as an engineer, where he mainly worked in identifying all the necessary electronic components required for each subsystem design (from science to mobility), designing the electrical system for different subteams, and power calculations for all relevant electronic components for different segments of the rover system.

Anurag helped me in the electrical technical drawings portion of our tasks. He worked well with me in creating suitable electronics schematics on CircuitLab software which would form the base of all electrical connections for the mobility and science subsystem components.

Anurag also was competent in calculating all the power requirements for the electronics components for all subteams i.e science, chassis, communications, software & mobility subteams, from datasheet specifications which are crucial for us to understand the working functionality of various electronic components and their lifespan whilst the rover is in operation which will help us prevent any unforeseen incidents such as fires which might damage our system.

It was a pleasure working with Anurag for the NUS Mars Rover Team within the Electrical & Electronics Subsystem as he is a good team player who gets work done on time amidst tight deadlines. As such, I can Anurag for technical positions involving multi-disciplinary teamwork.

Shiva Shankar, Electrical Team, NUS Mars Rover Team 2021

Man Walking in Fields

Key Milestones Achieved

Ridge View Residential College: GEQ1917 Understanding And Critiquing Sustainability: Got A- for the module where I built an Electronics Prototype from scratch using Arduino which can pump upto 5 litres of water a day for the college from washroom basins and recycle that wastewater to flush toilets

NUS Mars Rover Team: Worked in the Electrical Team for AY2020, secured top 50 teams worldwide 

Innovation And Design 2nd Major Project: Secured B for the module on a year long design project involving smarter laundry factories using robotics 

Projects: Bio

Check Out My Projects Below!

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Projects: Selected Work
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