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Teaching Experience

Brief teaching stints as an university undergraduate in NUS

Aug 2022 - Nov 2022

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, National University Of Singapore (Received Recommendation From My Prof In The Dean's Office For Good Performance)

Tutored a group of 30 students taking EG2201A: User-Centric Collaborative Design module under the NUS Innovation & Design 2nd Major Programme.

I helped guide students on their Design Thinking projects involving Engineering Product Design and Technology Innovation for 1 semester. I helped chart our User-Centric Design based concept mapping charts such as Empathy Maps, How-Might-We Problem Statement Framing and Customer Journey And Personna Maps which are useful concepts in the field of User-Centric Design - fundamental for the lean startup methodology.

Aug 2022 - Nov 2022

Peer Tutor - NUS ECE Peer Tutoring Programme, National University Of Singapore (Received Certificate Of Recognition From The Acting Dean Of NUS ECE Department For Volunteering My Time For A Newly Initiated Programme)

Tutored and mentored 2 students under my wing for IE2141: Systems Thinking & Dynamics. 


Helped guide them on Feedback Loop Diagrams & Stella Based Flow Diagrams - a fundamental concept for Systems Engineering and Design and is applicable to any Engineering field.

Teaching Pursuits: Experience
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Certificate Of Appreciation In The National University Of Singapore

Received a special token of appreciation from the Head Of Department in NUS for my contributions towards the National University Of Singapore while husting as a tutor there and check it out below!

Teaching Pursuits: Image
NUS ECE Peer Tutoring Scheme Certificate.jpg
Teaching Pursuits: Image
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