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Leadership Progression Over The Years - Key Summary

Both As An NUS Undergraduate And My Professional Work Experience in the following:

1. Student Government

2. Youth Organizations

3. Engineering Student Chapters

4. Professional Associations & Clubs (Public Speaking)

5. Community Service

6. University Technical Teams (Engineering)


Undergraduate Student Council: Member (2019) ➡️ Cohort/Student Representative For 150 Students In NUS Electrical Engineering (2019), where I communicated with 200 undergrads, student council & professors as ambassador to improve student life in NUS Engineering ➡️ EXCO: Treasurer (2021) For The Club Consisting Of 20 Council Members & 10 Professors From NUS ECE Department ➡️ NUS ECE Graduation Party Of 2021 (2021): Team Lead - Responsible For 150 Students Graduation Event ➡️ Won Certificate Of Merit (2020) & Distinction (2021) for exemplary conduct and performance to the undergraduate student body 

Toastmasters International: Member (2021) ➡️ Vice President Of Education (VPE In 2021) - The youngest VPE in the club's history where VPE is usually between 40-50 years old, and responsible for the educational pathways Of 20 club members & coordinating between 10+ clubs and 50+ people across different toastmasters club in Singapore for public speaking collaborations. Managed to get Highest District Toastmaster Achievement (DCP) points and boost membership rate by 30% in 6 months, and ensured completed speaking pathways of 5 members - 1 above target expectation

NUS Rotaract Club: Member (2020) ➡️ Professional Development Director  (2021) - managed teams of 5 to spearhead professional development events with Rotary clubs in SG and NUS Rotaract Club members for 50+ students across NUS and overseas, and brought in partnerships and student membership rates by a 30% increase with 100% success rate in all projects undertaken despite COVID-19 

NUS College Of Design & Engineering: Student Ambassador (2019-2020) - Selected out of a cohort of 200 students and represented my engineering faculty in NUS, in collaboration with 20 other engineering students, management staff & faculty professors, to help answer important queries of >100 aspiring and incoming freshmen accepted into engineering, as well as parents, in virtual townhall gatherings ➡️ Student Writer (2021) - Selected to be a student writer for the NUS College Of Design & Engineering faculty, where I would compose different articles for the department's website on important events and happenings within the NUS Engineering community to undergraduate students ➡️ University/College Representative For The Singapore Universities Education Fair - Selected as the college ambassador for NUS in GIIS SMART Campus in Singapore where I helped clarify important queries from 100+ parents and students on admissions processes, college life and study opportunities in NUS

Thales, Singapore Office: Innovation Hub Intern As A Design Innovation Engineering Intern (2021) ➡️Lead Intern For A 5G Railway Design Thinking Workshop (2021) - Worked with internal stakeholders and Fortune 500 Clients to spearhead this design thinking workshop for 5G rollout in Singapore for the island's transportation network, with me furnishing the details of the technical documentation and report required for rollout

Amaris.AI, Singapore Office: Product/Project Manager Intern (2021) - Worked across different products and projects on AI & NLP where I played a key role in software testing, models evaluation, project progress tracking, a bit of programming/coding, UAT Testing, Market Research & Competitor Intelligence for the tech startup's products for it's various customers, both locally and overseas and helped secure a Government client

Financial Transistor (India): Operations Team Lead & Assistant (2019) - Although the startup has failed now, I helped out in the operations and strategy aspects of the newsletter operations by creating workflows which helped streamline process operations by 20% in 2 months and garnered extra viewership of 30% within that time frame 

NUS Entrepreneurship Society: Member (2020) ➡️ Deputy Director Of Education Liaisons, Partnerships Division, where I collaborated with 10+ startup founders to promote greater understanding of ASEAN startup ecosystem to 50+ students through entrepreneurship events and fireside chats, and executed all projects with 100% success rate, despite COVID-19

Institute Of Engineers Of Singapore, NUS Students Chapter: Member (2019) ➡️ Student Leader (2019), orchestrated and managed the organization and execution stages of the club's internal workshops to 50+ students for increasing student membership by 20%➡️Project Director, External Events (2020), led and organized industrial talks, seminars and networking events with corporate professionals to 100+ students to gain an appreciation of the engineering sector in Singapore ➡️ Marketing Director (2021) - Responsible for outreach of the club's activities to companies to foster greater collaborations and partnerships, and increased student membership rates by 40% despite the COVID pandemic 

Institute Of Engineers Of Singapore, NUS Students Chapter, Innovation Challenge 2021: Team Lead (2021) ➡️ Finalist, won Consolation Prize Of $100 amongst 10+ teams across 5+ universities in Singapore 

Leadership Journey: Welcome

Leadership Journey (Undergraduate)

Roles involving extensive Project Management, Team Management And Strategy through Co-Curricular Activities


Vice President Of Education (VPE) & Public Speaker: The Collide Toastmasters Club, Singapore

Oct 2021 - May 2023

Joined in as a member of The Collide Toastmasters Club, Singapore - 07872712, in order to refine my public speaking skills and grow to be a leader and influencer one day! Currently in the process of completing various project modules involving public speaking, interpersonal communication and team leadership in my own pace.

I'm currently training to be the Vice President Of Education (VPE) from June 2021 where I'll be taking over for the Collide Toastmasters Club in Singapore. VPE is the second highest rank in a club where the President is the representative of the club. The main job scope of the VPE is to set, plan and executes tasks to achieve milestone and objectives.

• Key responsibilities to be undertaken:

1. Achieving DCP (highest Toastmaster award) for every year.
2. Building of public speaking community in Singapore across different clubs.
3. Maintaining the brand of recruiting only directors, business owners, investors and high flyers/potential in the club.
4. Planning and executing tasks to achieve milestone or objectives for the club.
5. Planning of monthly agenda (getting speakers to do their pitch, timer, emcee, table topic master and evaluator).
6. Tracking of members educational progress across different pathways selected from Toastmasters International.
7. Brainstorming of creative ideas to bring traction and outreach to the club, and also improving processes & guests experiences.
8. Managing of other EXCO members, giving out objectives to them.


Cohort Representative For JC AY2019/23 Batch & EXCO: Treasurer & Grad Party 2021 Team Lead, NUS ECE Undergraduate Student Council

Dec 2019 - April 2023

1. Served as a liaison between the NUS Electrical Engineering department and the student body of 200 to communicate the interests of all freshmen to the faculty in order to improve academic life in NUS.

2. Solved pertinent concerns within the undergraduate community such as poor student-staff engagement rate and helped boost student-staff engagement rate by 30% in order to improve faculty coordination with students.

3. Presented important module feedback data given by 200 EE students per semester to ~20 ECE Academic Advisors during monthly student council meetings to help revamp current teaching for engineering modules and improved student satisfaction rate with regards to teaching by 30% in a semester.

4. Communicated with >200 incoming NUS freshmen with various academic tools used within NUS to help them integrate into university life and guided both local and international students in their academic journey with regards to module planning

5. Revamped past publicity initiatives through extensive collaboration with 10 council members which helped boost student engagement rate with the council by 10%.

6. Prepared budgets and financial statements such as invoices, income statements and expenditure claims for all student council activities ranging from graduation parties to ECE T-shirt sales which approximates to 2 major events per year with a turnout rate of >50 undergraduates.

7. Initiated a major project within the student council i.e the ECE Graduation Party 2021 involving 200 ECE graduating year 4 students. For this project, I lead a team of 10 to achieve the following objectives:
- Project Planning - timeline for event
- Market Research - survey graduating cohort to conduct needs analysis such as theme for party, availability, location, type of event e.t.c..
- Project Proposal drafting

8. Awarded the Certificate Of Merit by the NUS Electrical And Computer Engineering department for outstanding service for the NUS Electrical Engineering student body of 150.

9. Promoted to EXCO: Treasurer position within a year of service after campaigning to 20 student council members from the ECE department.


NUS College Of Design & Engineering: ECE Student Ambassador 

Aug 2020 - April 2023

Represented my engineering faculty in NUS, in collaboration with 20 other engineering students, management staff & faculty professors, to help answer important queries of 100+ aspiring and incoming international students, as well as parents, in virtual townhall gatherings, pertaining to:

• Student Life: Student Organizations, Leadership Opportunities in CCA's e.t.c..
• Academics - Timetable Planning, Module Bidding e.t.c..
• Represented the College as a Student Representative for outreach events to 50+ international students

NES LOGO with no text.webp

Former Deputy Director Of Education Liaisons And Global Liaisons Associate, NUS Entrepreneurship Society

Jun 2020 - Jun 2021

1. Managed a team of 5 in close sync with the main director to organize entrepreneurship related events to a student body of >50 pertaining to the startup ecosystem in Singapore.

2. Managed incubator relations within Singapore colleges by connecting with startup hotbeds for events collaboration pertaining to entrepreneurship for >50 NES student members.

3. Coordinated between different startup professionals in the organization of professional development related webinars pertaining to entrepreneurship which helped garner over 30 participants.

4. Moderator for NES Episode 6 Start In Startup Series On Intellectual Property which featured 10 guest speakers from reputed organizations worldwide, such as WIPO, with 50+ participants across NUS.

5. Coordinated between 3 engineering professors in NUS who own startups as a side hustle to organize a career sharing session in entrepreneurship and deep tech to 50+ participants across NUS.

6. Emcee for a major entrepreneurship starthathon competition where I represented NES (Singapore side) in our annual Singapore-India collaboration event which featured 100+ participants and 20+ judges worldwide.


Director Of Professional Development For Community Service & Board Member For The 50th Board Of Directors, NUS Rotaract Club

Jun 2020 - Jun 2021

1. Spearheaded the organization of professional development workshops pertaining to soft skill development, industry insights and community service per year for 50+ Rotaract club members in Singapore to develop useful professional skills such as leadership and communication which helped improve sign up rate by 30% within a semester.

2. Managed a team of 5 in close liaison with the other professional development director and monitor the organization of career development programs and networking events by liaising with ~10 partner Rotary Clubs based in Singapore.

3. Communicated with the marketing team of 5 to monitor publicity initiatives to increase student outreach for Rotaract events by at least 20% per semester.

4. Fostered partnerships with more than 100 alumni and Rotary members from major Rotary Clubs in Singapore for future events collaboration involving professional development to boost membership rate by 30%.

5. Initiated and lead a team of 3 in securing partnership based projects for the Rotaract Club with startups such as Ninja Van to help promote the entrepreneurship spirit on campus and create networking opportunities with professionals in the tech and engineering startup ecosystem.

6. Represented Rotaract Club Of NUS as a speaker for World Speech Day 2021 on diversity and inclusion for Singapore's Rotary community of 100+ and to 10 District Rotary Representatives from 10 different bases across Singapore.


Project Director (External) And Marketing Director, The Institution Of Engineers Of Singapore-NUS Students Chapter

Sep 2019 - May 2021

1. Spearheaded the organization of industrial visits and career talks to various engineering multinationals in order to expand IES student chapter network within NUS and create networking opportunities for >100 undergraduates in the engineering sector in Singapore.

2. Communicated the benefits of joining IES-NUS chapter as a student member to a total of 500 undergraduates from all engineering faculties within NUS by creating promotional videos which increased student membership rate by 20%.

3. Supervised the organization of technical skill-based workshops pertaining to engineering through student leadership related roles in events management to boost participation rate by 40% within a semester.

4. Grew IES's overall professional network of multinationals from 5 different engineering fields for industry-university level collaboration by 20% within a semester through email outreach.

5. Lead a team of 2 marketing executives in total where we connected and communicated with~100 multinationals and clubs for possible industry collaboration in order to:
• Create networking opportunities for >100 students.
• Promote our engineering student chapter to >100 engineering undergraduates throughout NUS.


Orientation Group Leader, NUS ECE Freshmen Orientation Camp 2020

Jul 2020 - Jul 2020

Managed a group orientation of 8 Electrical Engineering freshmen for the NUS ECE Freshmen Orientation Camp 2019 to help them smoothen the transition to university life

Leadership Journey: Experience
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